covenant Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 an agreement between two people or two parties to do, or not to do, something -- pakt, avtale, kontrakt


Examples of covenant

  • The third category of grievances is connected with those restrictive covenants which we find in most leases of shops.

  • I am sure that as a result of the new concession many such covenants will now be made up to £100.

  • I believe it to be a rule applicable to all diplomatic practice that one should arrive at open covenants as secretly as possible.

  • The specific rights and freedoms codified in the universal declaration of human rights and the two international covenants transcend national, religious, cultural and ideological frontiers.

  • Corresponding statistics with regard to covenanted benefit are not available.

  • Whilst the author draws attention to diversity of forms in civil covenants, he is concerned to stress uniformity in the theology and structure of colonial church covenants.

  • Such a constellation of traits suggests that the statue personified oracular powers, the propitiation of which required covenants with humans in the form of prayers and offerings.

  • The better way to put the distinction is to say that colonial and early state constitutions were assumed to be the product of a people constituted by earlier covenants.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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