anything Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 means “something” in questions and negatives -- noe

    • I don’t have anything else to wear. Jeg har ikke noe annet å ha på meg.

    • There isn’t anything on TV tonight. Det er ikke noe på TV i kveld.

    • Did you have anything to eat? Har du noen ting å spise?

  • 1 whichever thing or every thing -- hva som helst

    • He’s not picky; he’ll eat anything. Han er ikke kresen, han spiser hva som helst.

    • You can do anything if you try hard enough. Du kan gjøre alt bare du prøver hardt nok.

  • 2 means “similar to” in questions and negatives -- noe som

    • Is this book anything like her last one? Er denne boken noe i nærheten av hennes forrige?

    • I’m not anything like my father. Jeg er overhodet ikke som min far.

  • 3 (in questions, and negative sentences etc) some thing -- noe (som helst)

  • 4 a thing of any kind -- hva som helst

    • ‘What would you like for your birthday?’ ‘Anything will do.’

    • You can buy anything you like




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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