acronym Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 a word made using the first letters of other words -- akronym [ neuter ]

    • AIDS is an acronym. AIDS er et akronym.

  • 1 a word that is made from the first letters of the name of something -- akronym

    • ASEAN is an acronym for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.


Examples of acronym

  • It surely must also include the acronyms which, as mentioned, are so abundant in military parlance.

  • The use of certain acronyms by computer engineers and programmers does not ipso facto mean that we are somehow being manipulated.

  • At any time in history acronyms can hide more sinister realities condensed in them.

  • As far as degree of shortening is concerned, a negligible decrease in centrality is exhibited by acronyms resorting to any of the devices mentioned above.

  • There is an appendix that lists major political parties and even acronyms and abbreviations to get the researcher through the alphabet soup of post-independence politics.

  • I find it the most incredible organization for acronyms.

  • Of course, though the acronyms may be frightening, they may also be fascinating.

  • Fortunately, a listing of relevant organizational and regulatory acronyms is provided at the book's end.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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