
Dette er ordets examples relatert til dashboard. Klikk på et hvilket som helst ord for å gå til ordets detaljside. Eller, gå til definisjonen av dashboard.

Eksempler på dashboard

  • However, because the number of possible dashboards is very large, it would be impossible to rank each possible one individually.

  • For the dashboard and mushroom constraints, we have three neurons in the hidden layer whereas we have five for breast-cancer-wisconsin and house-votes-84.

  • In addition, the dashboard has to fit into a space that is different for every car.

  • The computed surface corresponds to the global surface of the actual items and not of the dashboard they define, which is larger.

  • See their demo page for a video that shows the various elements of their dashboard.

  • Every problem comprises the set of 22 variables describing a dashboard, the dashboard constraint, and some constraints specific to each problem.

  • By adding information on the surface occupied by each item, we can, for example, find the best dashboard that has the minimum item surface.

  • The system is installed behind the vehicle's dashboard with its sensor positioned at the end of a protruding small coil.

  • Finding a dashboard meeting all requirements and following customer preferences is a constraint satisfaction problem.

  • Hence, it is better to ask the users only on a few examples and to model the concept of "good dashboard" as a partially defined constraint.

  • Partially defined constraints in constraint-based design modeling of customer preferences as a partially defined constraint allows the system to "invent" new dashboards that are acceptable within the learned concept.

  • A database of customer tastes has been created by presenting examples of dashboards to a panel of drivers and asking them to select the "good" ones.

  • Hence, producing a good design for a dashboard is a clever mixture between functionality, design, and anticipation of consumer taste.

  • This gives drivers recommended routes to their destination using an electronic display fitted to the dashboard of their vehicles.

  • It is the red light on the dashboard that warns local authorities that there will be a loss of money.

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May 10, 2021

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