Maksud eighth Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 (also adjective) (the) last of eight (people, things etc); (the) next after the seventh -- kelapan

    • His horse was eighth in the race

    • Are you having another cup of coffee? That’s your eighth (cup) this morning

    • Henry VIII (said as ‘Henry the Eighth’).

  • 1 one of eight equal parts -- satu per lapan

    • They each received an eighth of the money.


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Pengecaman automatik

Examples of eighth

  • Seven-eighths of the first reparation payment was this external loan.

  • He said that five-eighths of the relief would go to big financial houses and corporations.

  • If we are to have goods packaged in 125-gramme containers, we are thinking in halves, quarters, eighths, and so on.

  • In fact, the hall, which holds 800 people, was more than five eighths full.

  • There are the urban districts of over 20,000, including about five-eighths of the population, and then there are all the other authorities, amounting to three-eighths.

  • We have to remember, of course that a kilometre is five-eighths of a mile.

  • Seven-eighths of this increase came from the manufacturing industries, the chief contributors being engineering and vehicles.

  • To speak more accurately, only three-eighths of the amount is brought into the account.


Terjemahan eighth Dalam Bahasa Lain

  • 中文繁体

    第八(的), 八分之一…

  • 中文简体

    第八(的), 八分之一…

  • Español

    octavo, octava parte, octavo/ava…

  • Português


  • 日本語

    (8thの文字表記)8番目の, 第8の, 8分の1…

  • Türk dili

    sekizinci, sekizde biri…

  • Français

    huitième, huitième [masculine], huit…

  • Catalan

    vuitè, vuitena part…


Bacaan Dwibahasa

Managing Your Emotions

  • What makes me angry?

    Apa yang membuatkan saya marah?

  • Mostly,l hate when someone tries to make someone else feel bad.

    Selalunya, saya benci apabila seseorang cuba membuat orang lain berasa buruk.

  • I have to admit that once, when l was actually called names.

    Saya perlu mengakui bahawa sekali, apabila saya sebenarnya dipanggil nama.

  • l regretted doing this afterwards, but not full heartedly because l think l was provoked in that situation.

    Saya menyesal melakukan ini selepas itu, tetapi tidak sepenuh hati kerana saya fikir saya telah diprovokasi masuk keadaan itu.

  • The most postive way of dealing with anger is talking about the problem.

    Cara paling positif untuk menangani kemarahan ialah bercakap tentang masalah.

  • l talk to someone who listens, or l'll write my thoughts down on paper.

    Saya bercakap dengan seseorang yang mendengar, atau saya akan menulis fikiran saya di atas kertas.

  • Learning how to deal with anger as you're growing up is so important.

    Mempelajari cara menangani kemarahan semasa anda membesar adalah sangat penting.

  • When you're younger, you might yell,or cry when you're angry, but as you get older, you're expected to handle your emotions much better.

    Semasa anda lebih muda, anda mungkin menjerit, atau menangis apabila anda marah, tetapi apabila anda mendapat lebih tua, awak dijangka dapat mengendalikan emosi anda dengan lebih baik.

  • Learning to control your emotion now will prevent you from doing something that you'll regret later on in life!

    Belajar untuk mengawal emosi anda sekarang akan menghalang anda daripada melakukan sesuatu yang anda akan menyesal di kemudian hari!



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