Maksud mime Dalam Bahasa Melayu

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mime Definisi Dan Maksud

  • 0 the art of using movement to perform the function of speech, especially in drama -- menggunakan isyarat

    • She is studying mime.

  • 1 a play in which no words are spoken and the actions tell the story -- pantomim

    • The children performed a mime.

  • 2 an actor in such a play; someone who practises this art -- pelakon pantomim

    • Marcel Marceau was a famous mime.

  • 3 to act, eg in such a play, using movements rather than words -- menggayakan dengan isyarat

    • He mimed his love for her by holding his hands over his heart.


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We can complete it step by step however long the road is and it can't be completed however short the road is if you don't even mark your footprint.

Kita boleh melengkapkannya selangkah demi selangkah walau bagaimanapun panjang jalan dan ia tidak boleh disiapkan walau sependek jalan pun jika anda tidak menandai tapak kaki anda.

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