woe Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu


Examples of woe

  • A woe-begone figure unwilling or unable to earn an ordinary livelihood is picking up unconsidered trifles from dustbins in the street.

  • They hive told us that we know nothing about the woes and the sorrows of the people.

  • The language is straightforward and colloquial; the lectures are filled with references to local beliefs, popular hadiths and the concrete woes of the rural poor, such as dowry and security.

  • Moreover, just as recipients exhibit an orientation toward making sure that the prosperity of others is properly recognized, so, too, they display a concern for others' woes.

  • Political intrusion compounded the military's woes.

  • Criticism encompasses operating and administrative flaws, financial woes and so on but the overall benefits of the railways are not questioned.

  • It was to serve as a therapeutic remedy for the woes he and his society were suffering.

  • After a point, the tale of woe becomes repetitive.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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