wane Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 (of the moon) to appear to become smaller as less of it is visible -- berkurangan, menjadi surut

    • The moon waxes and wanes.


Examples of wane

  • In the last few years we have seen democracies waning because they have not stood together.

  • My enthusiasm for a national lottery is waning for other reasons.

  • Over the same period, our own attractiveness as a partner must have waned.

  • Over time, opposition generally wanes, perhaps following a detailed examination of the facts at a public inquiry.

  • Looking at the annual reports presented by other bodies, one's experience is that, when the time comes to consider them, interest has perhaps waned.

  • One does sometimes hear ill-informed comments about boom and bust, suggesting that the importance of the internet has waned.

  • To an extent, they are gaining influence where our military and naval influence has waned.

  • As that competition waxed and waned, prices for agricultural produce went up and down.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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