viewpoint Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 a point of view -- sudut pandangan

    • I am looking at the matter from a different viewpoint.


Examples of viewpoint

  • There is little addition of ideas from outside the event, reference to alternative viewpoints or attitudes to others, comment and so on.

  • In the end, a single theoretical standpoint will be the most coherent explanation of the extant literature, not a concatenation of historical viewpoints.

  • There have long been major theoretical viewpoints in-between these extremes.

  • Both cognitive and traditional/materialist viewpoints beg a number of questions.

  • The essays flow into one another, all singing from the same hymn-sheet rather than espousing different viewpoints.

  • The equipment description is used for calculation in the model-use module and for visualization purposes in the viewpoints modules.

  • The common platform configurations that satisfy all viewpoints were developed.

  • We shall continually go back and forth between these two viewpoints.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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