upper class Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 (of) the highest rank of society; (of) the aristocracy -- golongan atasan

    • He speaks with an upper-class accent.

    • The upper classes can no longer afford to have many servants


Examples of upper class

  • Sixty-one percent of the families were classified as middle class, 25% as lower class, and 14% as upper class.

  • Municipal land ownership stipulated high leases for upper class villas, thus compensating the low leases for public housing.

  • The upper class set an example for enjoyment of luxury that other classes would emulate.

  • Therefore, to render the data more consistent, the data from her upper class speakers was excluded here. 14.

  • She also argues that some upper class women, especially those of the harem, managed to influence their powerful husbands.

  • At the top, with incomes well above the mean, is an upper class comprising people with assets or skills that are internationally transferable.

  • The upper class comprises households with substantial income from wealth or entrepreneurial activity, or in which the breadwinner is in managerial or professional employment.

  • The present data do not suggest that large parental age differences are associated with lower class, rather than upper class, births.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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