unintelligible Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 not able to be understood -- tdk dapat difahami

    • unintelligible writing/words.


Examples of unintelligible

  • The two men were singing, swooping, undulating, unintelligible words, and the back of my neck tingled.

  • Utterance attempts included those utterances that were completely intelligible, partly intelligible or completely unintelligible.

  • First, only fully intelligible utterances were coded; all utterances with unintelligible portions were excluded.

  • Utterances containing unintelligible portions were omitted from analyses.

  • These are usually glossed as unintelligible syllables if they are transcribed at all.

  • What is compelling or comprehensible to one person may be uninteresting or unintelligible to another.

  • This is probably why experimental work is often criticized for being unintelligible or too zany to be held to the same standards as orthodox writing.

  • Fourth, by ' mystery ' some mean an unintelligible doctrine, the meaning of which can't be grasped.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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