tuberculosis Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 (often abbreviated to TBtiːˈbiː) ( medical) an infectious disease usually affecting the lungs -- batuk kering

    • He suffers from / has tuberculosis.


Examples of tuberculosis

  • The most common mechanical obstacles include colorectal cancer and faecal impaction, with ischaemic colitis and tuberculosis seen less frequently.

  • The biopsy material established a specific etiologic diagnosis in 65% and excluded tuberculosis and malignancy in the rest (35%).

  • Risk factors for drug-resistant tuberculosis is a consequence of drug resistance rather than a cause.

  • Interpreting the decline in tuberculosis during the last century - the roles of secular trends in effective contact.

  • Reference to the supposed relationship between schizophrenia and tuberculosis recalls a cautionary tale.

  • It also makes clear that tuberculosis is still a problem and an important differential diagnosis in the older population.

  • We do not know how much of an increase in poverty there was due to the tuberculosis in the families of the index subjects.

  • The hospital where he was treated had no community tuberculosis services.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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