tempest Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 a violent storm, with very strong winds -- ribut kencang

    • A tempest arose and they were drowned at sea.


Examples of tempest

  • Furfur causes love between a man and a woman, creates storms, tempests, thunder, lightning, and blasts, and teaches on secret and divine things.

  • Tempest's interest in digital technologies generated his unusual performance style, in which an exploration of illusion arts merged with interactive high tech animation.

  • Depending on a witch's preference, they were believed to cause tempests, hailstorms, and lightning.

  • Tempest's power was energy blasts from his hands.

  • Krin wants the heroes to capture it and find the tempest's manufacturing plant so that they can destroy it.

  • On their way, the fleet was dispersed by tempests.

  • We wish it a safe arrival in harbour, in a good state, before the tempests of the general election are upon us.

  • Let us contrast that with the bleak experience of his predecessor who went all through the pay pause, nurses' pay, university grants and other tempests.




May 10, 2021

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