tedious Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 boring and continuing for a long time -- menjemukan

    • a tedious speech/speaker.


Examples of tedious

  • If the compilation cycle is slow, the method becomes tedious.

  • However, such case-by-case coordination would make social life a tedious business and probably a dangerous business as well.

  • But he insisted on the distinction between speculative intuition and tedious inductive finding.

  • The required properties can be proved by straightforward, but tedious induction.

  • Thus, ad hoc instrumentation is tedious at a low level and it may be impossible at a high level.

  • If a concept has many associated types, the resulting code may be tedious to write and difficult to read.

  • However, all the tedious code can be generated automatically, as we will now explain.

  • Indeed, listening to the work's recording is a rather tedious task, entirely lacking the excitement that the composer was so proud about.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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