tadpole Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu


Examples of tadpole

  • Freshly hatched tadpoles had a prominent yolk sac, the contents of which were rapidly used up during the first few days of development.

  • They multiply enormously in the crop, undergoing a great change in appearance, being tadpole-like in form and having a crithidia-like arrangement of the nuclei.

  • This would imply indiscriminate use of available niche space by tadpoles, with no other factor limiting their distribution.

  • Pond tadpoles with generalized morphology: is it time to reconsider their functional roles in aquatic communities?

  • In this situation, oncomiracidia are available to infect tadpoles during the brief period of the rainy season.

  • Eggs and tadpoles were reared to metamorphosis in buckets of stream water to confirm species identification.

  • Most ascidian species exhibit indirect development in which the egg develops into a tadpole larva.

  • Tadpoles were counted and the number of tadpoles per sweep calculated.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

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