synthesis Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 (something produced through) the process of combining separate parts, eg chemical elements or substances, into a whole -- sintesis

    • His recent book is a synthesis of several of his earlier ideas.

    • Plastic is produced by synthesis


Examples of synthesis

  • Despite a significant overlap in source materials, the authors reach a much less positive conclusion than do the other four syntheses.

  • Although a century apart, both writings are uneasy syntheses of poetry and logic.

  • Various ideas - social and political philosophies - interacted within the dialectic, negating each other in the formation of higher syntheses.

  • Therefore, e reductionism has a much more complex structure than some convenient syntheses would lead us to believe.

  • All syntheses, it has been said, are but impatient intuitions.

  • The aural result was then a rich and constantly varying sustained timbre, much more lively than many syntheses generated by frequency domain methods.

  • In different seeds, the syntheses of the three hydrolytic enzymes occur in different places, and mobilization of galactomannan occurs in different ways.

  • However, the columns mostly do not refer to individual assemblages but are syntheses of several assemblages from a particular region.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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