stereotypical Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 -- secara stereotaip

    • the stereotypical image of Americans.


Examples of stereotypical

  • The sections marked 2 and 3 are expanded below and illustrate the conserved, rhythmic, stereotypical nature of spikelets.

  • These stereotypical anecdotes combine ideas about laziness, domestic disorder, animality, and the pollution of the nation.

  • Initially, that reply struck me as almost stereotypical in its combination of social superiority, condescension, and dismissiveness toward the interviewer.

  • In 1570-1, however, the human subterfuge was replaced by 'a wider, more stereotypical malicious use of poisonous grease by witches ' (p. 149).

  • In addition to concerns about health status, some participants believed that the assumed high levels of physical inactivity reinforced a stereotypical view of ageing.

  • We hope that showing this diversity will help to counter stereotypical views of old age.

  • Thus, in example 5 above, the girl's use of quotative like enables her to exemplify a stereotypical response from her brother.

  • In addition to stereotypical patterns and expectations, men and women may differ in the way they arrange ad hoc gigs with each other.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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