speculation Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu


Examples of speculation

  • Because the relationships between pathogenetic theories and evidence remain ambivalent, we refrain from making further speculations at this point.

  • Numerous speculations have attempted to relate this to climate, diet or geology.

  • Such speculations aside, it appears that little if anything was done with these new powers.

  • Many wild and rash speculations will not survive subsequent testing and consequently will not be rated as contributing to the growth of scientific knowledge.

  • Houses were built along these streets as individual speculations, apparently without any regard to one another.

  • If these speculations are true, then both single word and sentence-level tasks would likely be sensitive to the degree of damage within the semantic network.

  • Therefore, as made clear in the target article, we see no reason to entertain speculations to the effect that they are.

  • Such green speculations are problematic and will not be pursued further; purely human needs are the concern here.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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