snobbery Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 behaviour/behavior, talk etc that is typical of a snob -- angkuh

    • She couldn’t bear her mother’s snobbery.


Examples of snobbery

  • Let us cut out the snobbery, the frills, and decide what is the right level of expenditure.

  • For a while it was but a painless form of snobbery—for those who indulged in it, if not for those who were its targets.

  • It was, in part, exhilarating and liberating, blasting the traditional pieties surrounding the theatre in this country - the suffocating, elitist snobbery, middle-class prejudices, and poisonous atmosphere of self-congratulation.

  • Was artisan culture as devoid of snobbery as is suggested here?

  • Carmer the enlightened bureaucrat was not above using snobbery to defend publicity and elite autonomy.

  • One cannot help wondering if the distance between the jazz and classical traditions has tended to be exaggerated, perhaps out of snobbery or (sometimes reverse) racism.

  • Council education departments are often the worst offenders for this language snobbery.

  • Living in an imaginary world, they presented a pathetic spectacle, cut off by snobbery from those whom they should have been leading and by race from mainstream white society.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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