slush Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 melting snow -- lecah salji

    • The streets are covered with slush.

  • 1 (something said or written showing) weak sentimentality -- terlalu sentimental dan memualkan


Examples of slush

  • The lottery should not be seen as a community resource or slush fund for local authorities or assemblies as a substitute for public funds.

  • We have lived among the dust, the slush and the muck heaps long enough, and it is time that it was put right.

  • I do not care whether the floors are mopped or what is done, but they ought to be cleansed of the dirty slush.

  • Well, why should this fund be a slush fund?

  • Our concern now is to have necessary control over the "slush fund".

  • The grass is heavily churned up by wheel tracks and trampled into a muddy slush.

  • Will the consideration which he is giving to the question of spray be particularly inclusive of such slush which is thrown up by lorries?

  • Earlier, we heard of a county which allegedly had very high reserves that were referred to as a "slush fund".




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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