shabbily Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 -- dengan cara yang tidak patut

    • He was very shabbily treated by the company.


Examples of shabbily

  • The trade unions, who loyally observed the undertaking of the committee of the 17 trade organisations, feel that their restraint has been rather shabbily rewarded.

  • That is all the more reason why we should not treat them shabbily in terms of pensions.

  • There is no question but that they have been shabbily treated.

  • There are many bruised people who feel they have been treated most shabbily.

  • They have treated him as shabbily as a miner.

  • I do not think that any industry has had a harder time or been more shabbily treated than the fishing industry.

  • I also felt that my constituent had been shabbily treated, without any explanation for this extraordinary behaviour.

  • I find it a very shabbily argued document.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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