server Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu


Examples of server

  • More specifically, we show that when the servers are generalists, any nonidling policy is optimal, irrespective of the reliability of the servers.

  • We will refer to the polling instant of queue i as the moment when the servers enter that queue.

  • There is also much research on the optimal use of flexible servers in tandem systems with holding costs.

  • Consider a replicated database in which the processes of a group form a set of distributed servers.

  • Similarly, the optimal policy for systems with two stations and two reliable servers also appears to be optimal when the two servers are unreliable.

  • The service times, lifetimes, and repair times of all servers are independent and exponentially distributed random variables.

  • I thus had many more interactions with both servers and kitchen workers than with actual bar customers.

  • There exist standard log entry formats produced by the popular servers, and software available which processes the log files to produce reports.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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