scrupulously Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 -- dengan teliti

    • He is always scrupulously fair to everyone.


Examples of scrupulously

  • The later controversies, especially about papal jurisdiction, which have distorted historical questions in many past studies, are scrupulously set aside.

  • First, care providers must attend scrupulously to the patient's nutrition, hydration, and sleep.

  • The value of such artefacts tends to be scrupulously justified.

  • Policies themselves may even be discriminatory even if they are applied in scrupulously neutral ways.

  • Scrupulously equitable distribution of commodities and stiff inheritance taxes would minimize social inequalities.

  • As doctors and researchers, we must be scrupulously careful not to act out of self-interest in this setting.

  • They both propose the creation of a hermetic environment that not only provides thermal comfort in any climate, but also scrupulously filters the air.

  • In all cases, the original sources have been scrupulously re-mastered to the highest standards and often furnished with new booklet notes.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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