runaway Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 a person, animal etc that runs away -- cabut lari

    • (also adjective) a runaway horse.

    • The police caught the two runaways


Examples of runaway

  • We shall focus on giving our children more protection through the social exclusion unit's ongoing review of young rough sleepers and runaways.

  • One third of runaways come from social services care.

  • I would have thought that most runaways never went back.

  • As was suggested, we need a national database on missing persons and runaways which is accessible to approved agencies outside the police service.

  • If young people can find a way of playing the system, that will result in an increased number of runaways.

  • I should like first to speak about the police contribution in dealing with runaways.

  • The police have a lot of experience with young runaways and know a great deal about them.

  • The police have done well in tracing young runaways.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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