reconsideration Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

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Examples of reconsideration

  • While such an inversion invites reconsideration of musical audibility and film narrative, video work, when installed, also challenges the notions of screen space and realism.

  • Although the possibility of such a relationship made intuitive good sense, its absence dictates reconsideration of the underlying premise.

  • Further reconsideration of research questions, analytical techniques and interpretative frameworks is needed in order to put the ecological perspective into practice.

  • Everything was to be open to reconsideration in the cold light of value.

  • The question of the status and rights of friends deserves reconsideration and requires some systematisation.

  • The use of technology by marginalised writers brings in its wake a reconsideration of the compositional process by which a finished work is achieved.

  • The first step in overcoming the dominance of such resource-based thinking may be a reconsideration of our understanding of health.

  • A new publication, almost a new genre, seemed to be a necessary complement to archival discoveries and subsequent historiographical reconsiderations.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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