ream Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu


Examples of ream

  • Presenting reams of testimony in the public domain only strengthened this effect of objectivity, rather than providing the opportunity for an alternative interpretation.

  • Each run required approximately 400 reams of paper; each sheet was sufficient for thirty-two coupons.

  • The reams were put in a special room and counted a third time.

  • The contracts required intense negotiations, not only over timing but also about the price, quality, and weight of the reams.

  • They too had taken the inventor's path, even if the state had not graced their chestnut-leaf reams with a brevet.

  • Finally, women sorted the paper, excised stained and clotted patches, and assisted the loftsman in wrapping the reams.

  • Desperately short of quality rags, the town's papermakers had evidently stuffed their reams oi bon papier with broken and badly finished sheets.

  • Its second circulation in 1642 was more orderly, producing reams of returns as well as local debate.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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