rather Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 to a certain extent; slightly; a little -- agak

  • 1 more willingly; preferably -- lebih suka

    • I’d resign rather than do that.

    • Wouldn’t you rather have this one?

    • I would/had rather you didn’t do that

    • I’d rather not do it at all

    • Can we do it now rather than tomorrow?

    • I’d rather do it now than later

  • 2 more exactly; more correctly -- lebih tepat


Examples of rather

  • Therefore, growth rates may increase over time simply because the initial and descendant cells are recovering from treatment rather than evolving.

  • Ground-penetrating radar is also treated rather briefly, with no description of field techniques.

  • This test did not reject the hypothesis of orthogonality so the estimation was done through a random effects model rather than a fixed effects model.

  • It is, rather, a matter of what it is that parties can choose and what they can influence.

  • Clearly, the public health official is not replacing the physician; rather, ethicists now realize a need to be in dialogue with both.

  • Past studies have focused on the effects of density on spoken language processing, rather than the effects of density on the structure of lexical representations.

  • The findings underline the importance of using specific rather than general tasks to assess phonology, phonological sensitivity, and phonological representations.

  • In live performance, their bodies are exposed to view rather than protected by instruments.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

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