quail Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 to draw back in fear; to shudder -- berasa kecut

  • 1 a game bird whose meat and eggs are used for food -- burung puyuh

    • (also adjective) quail eggs.


Examples of quail

  • Long-range competition among the neurons projecting centrifugally to the quail retina.

  • Eurasian quails, turtles, goldfish, toads, and beetles help keep the insect population in balance.

  • The brown quail's wings produce a whistling noise when flushed which is different from the whirring sound produced by the stubble quail's wings.

  • All that submission and apparent content lasted but a few days, and they disappeared like young quails.

  • The long delay between pairing and nesting is unusual for quails.

  • They never quailed at their tasks.

  • The consumption of quails' eggs—though by a minority—is very considerable.

  • Quails might escape from a farm but, we understand, would not be able to survive outside it.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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