prerogative Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu


Examples of prerogative

  • The defence of royal prerogative in matters ecclesiastical had a long high church lineage.

  • Their disagreements are reflected in the extent to which they have resorted to their national prerogative to request additional national regulatory requirements.

  • For, if true, it indicates that the power to make critical allocative decisions was not, as most scholars assume, a prerogative of the state.

  • In fact, it may be the prerogative of a ' think piece ' to provide precisely that.

  • The general pardons which invariably accompanied royal successions underscored mercy as a prerogative of power.

  • The repeated resort to the so-called decrees of ' urgency and need ' represent a clear invasion of legislative prerogatives by the executive.

  • Compliance with the formal rules is unlikely and irrational when judges are punished for attempting to limit the prerogatives of the president.

  • The emergence of this system had rendered most of the monarch's formal prerogatives obsolete.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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