preposterous Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu


Examples of preposterous

  • The authors are committed to the inclusive aspirations of the site but also mindful of the avoidance of making preposterous claims for electroacoustic music and electroacoustic music studies.

  • The very word 'triphthong' sounds faintly preposterous, as if somebody has dared a coinage with 'diphthong' and wants to have some further fun.

  • As an empirical matter, however, this equation is often preposterous.

  • I suspect many would reject such a proposal as preposterous not merely because of the flaws in its factual premises.

  • This is surely arrogance on a pretty preposterous scale.

  • This is preposterous, since the presumption is patently not evidence but an assumption.

  • This thought experiment merely indicates the scale of the problem (this type of replacement is, of course, preposterous!).

  • Adherents of the standard cognitive science model find this preposterous: for them, perception is always a matter of indirect inference.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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