perennial Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 (a plant) which lasts for more than two years -- saka

    • They are perennials.

    • Daffodils are perennial plants


Examples of perennial

  • In interpreting this result, one should keep in mind that the area for annual crops is far larger than for perennials.

  • The accumulation of detrimental pathogens in plant rhizospheres can affect both annuals and perennials in natural and agroecosystems.

  • Nutrient resorption from senescing leaves of perennials: are there general patterns?

  • The framework also explains how high-seed-yielding herbaceous perennials could be developed through selection, despite their rarity in natural ecosystems.

  • Furthermore, in an agricultural setting, the risk of poor establishment-frequently an issue with annual crops-is avoided in the years when perennials are regrowing.

  • Coffee is indicative; policy distortions have affected other perennials in similar ways.

  • Over the same time period, income from perennials remained fairly constant, while income from annual crops fell.

  • In the dry season the green perennials were tested.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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