patriotism Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu


Examples of patriotism

  • Everyone could talk about politics; they encourage each other with patriotism and the responsibility of saving the country.

  • Patriotism and communalism were luxuries that they could ill afford now that partition had ruptured so many of their traditional subsistence networks.

  • By defining patriotism in terms of personal service, loyalism made it difficult for radicals to decouple patriotism from personalities.

  • His call for patriotism was one that strengthened rather than diminished the hierarchical relationship between rulers and ruled.

  • Yet this model of just two possible forms of identity, patriotism and nationalism, was only a stage on the road towards a more historical picture.

  • Constitutional patriotism, on their view, should shun all forms of 'identification' and, instead, inform 'practices that resist identification'.

  • I have argued that constitutional patriotism underestimates (and sometimes misunderstands) the role of particularist political cultures in grounding universalistic principles of democracy and justice.

  • The isolationist patriotism of 1935-45 persisted for a long time in the historical writing of the 1950s and 1960s.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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