paternal Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 of or like a father -- seorang ayah

    • paternal feelings.

  • 1 among one’s father’s relatives -- sebelah ayah

    • Her paternal grandmother.


Examples of paternal

  • The fetal inheritance of autosomal dominant paternal mutations could also be assessed.

  • If the two pronuclei, taken from fertilised eggs and transferred into an enucleated egg, are only maternal or only paternal, normal development does not occur.

  • The maternal uncle might come and take the nephew out of his paternal household.

  • That is, maternal information may be designed to inform maternally related kin or suppress misleading information provided by paternal genes.

  • In line with this also is that paternal disorders were weakly correlated with maternal disorders.

  • In cluster 3, the affected twin reported less paternal warmth and much higher levels of maternal authoritarianism than her unaffected twin.

  • There were twice as many significant relationships which came from the maternal side as from the paternal side of the family.

  • Major depression in offspring showed not only the well-known association with maternal depression, but also with paternal depression, which has received little previous study.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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