only Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 without any others of the same type -- tunggal

    • the only book of its kind.

    • He has no brothers or sisters – he’s an only child

  • 1 not more than -- hanya

    • He lives only a mile away.

    • We have only two cups left

  • 2 alone -- hanya

    • Only you can do it.

  • 3 showing the one action done, in contrast to other possibilities -- cuma

  • 4 not longer ago than -- baru

  • 5 showing the one possible result of an action -- hanya

    • If you do that, you’ll only make him angry.


Examples of only

  • Major alterations to the text will be accepted only at the author's expense.

  • Every one has, not only two, but millions of parents.

  • This is not the only possible definition of dimension.

  • Only taxa that constitute > 2 % of the assemblage are shown.

  • This only happens in the regime k 0.

  • Thus, the only acceptable solution is the forced solution itself.

  • All the subfractions were found to contain only illite.

  • This idea is attractive in the abstract only.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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