nostalgically Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 -- secara nostalgia


Examples of nostalgically

  • Today, we have nostalgically gone over some of those issues.

  • Our elder citizens may regret it, deplore it, and think nostalgically of the days of their youth.

  • Is it that he just looks back nostalgically to the days when he was a dictator of a monopoly?

  • Those who hark back nostalgically to a time when perfect harmony existed between local and central government are certainly deluding themselves.

  • Some people in the neighbourhood remember nostalgically when it was a local amenity.

  • Many of them look back almost nostalgically to the days before we entered when it was easier to export than now.

  • I was nostalgically interested in the speeches of a number of old colleagues this afternoon.

  • I think nostalgically of my time at school, where sporting attainment was held in equal esteem with academic achievement.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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