nautical Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 of ships or sailors -- batu nautika


Examples of nautical

  • He determined on adopting the nautical profession and undertook a number of voyages as apprentice, and as ordinary and able seaman, in cargo ships and on board whalers.

  • The distances to various portions of the ocean circumference are such that the maximum run-up wavelengths do not differ significantly from the average wavelength of 100 nautical miles.

  • Nautical use derived from that.

  • Most maritime schools have 'ladder-type' systems, wherein students unable to finish the 4-year college program could be awarded an 'associate in nautical science' or 'associate in marine engineering' degree.

  • Wilkes famously erred in his reckoning of the positions of land, by tens to more than 100 nautical miles.

  • Alfred accordingly employed visual and nautical conceptual metaphors in a uniquely creative way to highlight this connective effort in his epistemological model.

  • Many of the maritime schools offer a 'ladder-type program', according to which, after completing 2 to 3 years' schooling, students are given an 'associate nautical or marine engineering degree'.

  • Alfred develops the function of the nautical domain and revises the relationship between the spiritual and intellectual domains.




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May 10, 2021

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