monolingual Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu


Examples of monolingual

  • It is also worth noting that the types and distribution of mazes in bilingual children were like those in monolingual children.

  • Alternatively, will narratives told by bilinguals show marked differences from those of monolinguals in ways that are not clearly related to linguistic or cultural effects?

  • Also, false-analogy - influenced substitutions may result after the words are passed on to monolinguals, who are more likely to assume different semantic connections.

  • In the working memory task the only difference was the advantage the less skilled bilingual readers had over their monolingual counterparts.

  • Occasionally, however, the less skilled bilingual readers performed better than their monolingual counterparts, especially in phonologically related tasks such as spelling.

  • This paper discusses the use of concordances in the classroom, with particular reference to the pedagogical implications of the differences between parallel and monolingual concordances.

  • The production rate of object clitics in obligatory contexts was as low as 40%, compared to over 80% for level-matched monolinguals (mean age: 3;3).

  • Crucially, the combined amount of words produced taken from both of their languages equaled that of the monolingual child's.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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