microbe Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu


Examples of microbe

  • In other words, the biological diversity of the microbes is much greater than that of large multicellular organisms.

  • A further advantage applicable to low-temperature environments is that diurnal freeze-thaw cycles might be mitigated, reducing freeze-thaw stress to the microbes.

  • Lateral gene transfer as we know it today presupposes significant similarities in the genomes of the microbes involved.

  • Yet, despite all these hazards with their devastating effects on animals and plants, microbes appear to survive, and perhaps even thrive.

  • Laboratory simulation experiments designed to select and characterize oxidant-destroying terrestrial microbes may help to resolve this issue.

  • It probably began with microbes, followed later by plants and then by animals.

  • Except in special circumstances where one may be looking for specific microbes, the knowledge gained by viable counts is minimal for biomass estimations.

  • The microbe is often isolated only from patients but not from the water source.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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