manually Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 by hand -- dengan tangan


Examples of manually

  • Speech recognizers are generally evaluated by comparing their performance on pre-recorded and manually transcribed corpora.

  • As extensive controlled annotated corpora were not still available at the time of the experiments, resources have been manually derived for them.

  • These were completed manually, or more often, by using the reporting module of the practice clinical system to provide denominator and numerator data.

  • Manually adding best-fit curves to data plots can be laborious and prone to error.

  • In their experiments the ontologies used were constructed manually and represent two websites of commercial airlines.

  • The field may be defined completely manually by typing jaw sizes, or graphically by dragging jaws represented onscreen.

  • In this prototype communication aid, messages do not have to be organised manually.

  • Table 9 shows a set of terms that we have produced manually to best represent each meta-heuristic.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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