likeness Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu


Examples of likeness

  • I have been struck by the differences, rather than the likenesses, between farm and factory.

  • Comparable units (bridge: future, men: wolves) partially converge and partially diverge, exhibiting "fractional congruence" - by-degrees likeness-unlikeness between text-partials.

  • Conversely, distinction is the ideological construction of social difference through the erasure of likeness and the highlighting of unlikeness.

  • In some cases the likeness might be so close that the different tunes would be classed as variants.

  • Pursuing the metaphor further, he says that the intellectual light itself is nothing other than a participated likeness of the uncreated light.

  • To continue to ask, once this likeness is pointed out, whether this is a real likeness is idle.

  • Moreover, it pertains above all to the divine will, from which every perfection is derived in virtue of a kind of likeness.

  • In its ideal likeness an institution usually creates its apology.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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