irrigation Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

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Examples of irrigation

  • It was also reflected through their role on these irrigation systems after the construction of a new weir.

  • In 1958, the national irrigation system was extended to the village.

  • They were either elected or selected by the water users to supervise all activities concerning irrigation and to enforce rules.

  • Milk production dominates in the valley floors where access to irrigation allows for cultivation of permanent pastures.

  • However, in the simulations t is still used because we believe that collective activities are essential in providing irrigation services.

  • However, when the benefits from infrastructure, irrigation, and water management are also included, the result somewhat changes.

  • Equivalently, a given increase in public information will improve the irrigation efficiency of higher efficiency application systems more than those with lower precision.

  • The increase in precision could be from an improvement in weather information, irrigation practices, or both.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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