informant Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 someone who tells or informs -- informan

    • He passed on the news to us, but would not say who his informant had been.


Examples of informant

  • This study compares patient and informant reports of depressive disorders in a community sample of elderly medical homecare patients.

  • We also interviewed key informants, such as marketplace administrators and tax collectors.

  • Significant differences did not change when rates were considered excluding proband informant data.

  • Eleven informants missing data on one or several indices of status or integration were set aside.

  • Several informants referred with pride to the children they perceived to have been successful.

  • The latent phenotype is related to the report of that informant on his co-twin by the bi (for bias) path.

  • Furthermore, these models were used to systematically test the significance of occasion-, informant-, and trait-specific effects.

  • Money is the informants' only absolution (and this is the measure of their degradation).




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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