incendiary Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 used for setting (a building etc) on fire -- pembakaran

    • an incendiary bomb.

  • 1 a person who sets fire to buildings etc unlawfully. -- pembakar

  • 2 an incendiary bomb. -- bom pembakar


Examples of incendiary

  • Twenty-nine incendiaries fell on and around the cathedral, with one burning through the lead dome and threatening to fall into the dome's wooden support beams.

  • Three of these were high-explosive munitions and one was a bundle of incendiaries.

  • Another landed on the front steps without exploding but incendiaries destroyed equipment in the contractor's yard at the west end.

  • The flames from incendiaries exploding nearby penetrated the building through the broken windows but were extinguished by the company's own fire brigade.

  • Failed incendiaries are found next to a pickup truck and a building.

  • He fired three drums of incendiaries and succeeded in starting a fire which quickly spread to the entire airship.

  • Overall, incendiaries made up only three percent of the total tonnage dropped.

  • Apparently not seeking to burn the town, he did not fire any heated rounds or incendiaries.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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