imperial Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu


Examples of imperial

  • Unmistakable and identifiable imperial ideologies, it was often assumed, developed only in the later nineteenth century.

  • In late imperial times, there was no radically new use of agricultural fields that would have promoted change in the tenancy of land.

  • The incorporation of rural gentry also prevented unrest in the countryside, by aligning the main possessors of armed force with the imperial state.

  • As the individual towns, their tribute requirements, or the imperial status of the provinces changed over time, the document could be modified accordingly.

  • Before 'premature transnationalism' developed fully into its mature phase as liberal internationalism, transanationalism had again mutated so as to acquiesce to the imperial order.

  • They dared not come out boldly for protective tariffs, or even for any considerable increase in imperial preference.

  • Imperial expansion brought with it, then, a clearer forging of national identity.

  • Nothing less than a comprehensive scheme for imperial defence was required and would have to be paid for, infuriating the settlers still further.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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