immobile Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 not able to move or be moved -- tidak dapat bergerak

    • His leg was put in plaster and he was immobile for several weeks.

  • 1 not moving; motionless -- tidak bergerak

    • He crouched there immobile until they had gone.


Examples of immobile

  • I assume as well that the involuntarily mobile will tend to be worse off than the involuntarily immobile.

  • We finally note here that if surfactants are present, the interface will be tangentially immobile independently of the viscosity ratio.

  • An immobile ion approximation was assumed in this paper in contrast to our model.

  • Blebbing cells were also observed, but these were mainly immobile.

  • In all these theoretical investigations, the ions were treated as an immobile charge-neutralizing background.

  • This presents a surface consisting of densely packed, immobile particles of angular shape, in the size range 100-200 pm.

  • The latter are supposed to be immobile, since we are considering surface wave phenomena on time scales much shorter than the nanoparticle plasma period.

  • And both were unsuccessful because the existing authorities were repressive, politically immobile, and irresponsive to public demands.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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