immeasurable Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 very great -- tidak terhingga

    • We owe him an immeasurable debt for all the help he has given us.

  • 1 too great etc to be measured. -- tidak dapat diukur


Examples of immeasurable

  • Solitude in any wide scene impressed her with an undefined feeling of immeasurable existence aloof from her, in the midst of which she was helplessly incapable of asserting herself.

  • However, that "undefined feeling of immeasurable existence aloof from her" does rancorously persist; and it could be said to produce knowledge, of a kind, as well as rancour.

  • Great is your power, and your wisdom is immeasurable.

  • Learning, erudition, help, assistance are not just great; they are "exceptional", "extraordinary", "incalculable", "immeasurable".

  • Its contribution to the field is immeasurable.

  • Our need of comfort is immeasurable.

  • Their influence on me was immeasurable.

  • Their comments have strengthened this paper in immeasurable ways.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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