imitator Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 a person who imitates -- peniru

    • Great artists often have plenty of imitators.


Examples of imitator

  • The ease with which forgeries could be carried out was far too tempting for adept imitators.

  • In this sense, he was neither an innovator nor an imitator.

  • The 18th and 19th century "revivalists," naturally enough, tended to portray their opponents as rigid and unthinking imitators.

  • Two agents are randomly chosen from a sufficiently large population, one as an initiator, the other as an imitator.

  • And perhaps they were right, for there were many imitators.

  • The business succeeded and soon there were many imitators.

  • Given the researchers' exemption, imitators can introduce rival varieties with a time lag.

  • If we cannot distinguish between original and imitation in such cases, we must always concede that an imitator may have been at work.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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