idiosyncrasy Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu


Examples of idiosyncrasy

  • External factors may contradict and interact, or be overruled by language particular idiosyncrasies.

  • In short, the procedure chosen here allows for the comparison of word categories between subjects, but might conceal idiosyncrasies in word use.

  • Combined with the category-specific rules, a morphological grammar for every category (not including idiosyncrasies) is obtained.

  • Photographs can reveal the material richness of artifacts that we often dismiss as cliché, and enable kitsch and local idiosyncrasy to appear mythical and strange.

  • These studies also, but not always, have nation-specific idiosyncrasies although the study of colonialism is by nature comparative or cross-national.

  • For the first time it struck me that my work with clinicians might not be a personal idiosyncrasy.

  • Second, nonnative speakers were able to show differences in reading time on the other types of grammatical idiosyncrasies tested.

  • But each geological period has its own highlights and idiosyncrasies of insect diversification and extinction.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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