humanly Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 within human power -- dapat dilakukan oleh manusia

    • If it is humanly possible, he will do it.


Examples of humanly

  • They will wait as long as is humanly possible.

  • Importantly, then, artificial kinds are no less real than any other humanly constructed or manufactured object.

  • Although these people had achieved in life what it is humanly possible to achieve, they still retained their interest in life.

  • And in saying this, he focused on novel and humanly generated sounds, not those within pre-existent conventional (and cognitively pre-digested) frameworks.

  • Similarly, they show that both dairy and beef can produce net returns on the amount of humanly edible protein used in such systems.

  • Patterns of change in music and speech are humanly necessary to maintain consciousness and avoid fatigue, and acoustically necessary for optimum spatial definition.

  • Any artifacts, like noise or music, and non-speech humanly produced noises (cough, breath), should be marked.

  • It is present in natural and humanly organised environments.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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