hindquarters Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 (of an animal) the back legs and the part of the body above them -- bahagian punggung dan kaki belakang


Examples of hindquarters

  • The buffaloes presented with lesions on the udder, teats, limbs, around the ear, and hindquarters which was indicative of a generalized infection.

  • From the rear of these plumes emerge twelve blackish, wire-like filaments, which bend back near their bases to sweep forward over the birds hindquarters.

  • He had a refined, beautiful head, well-sprung ribs, deep girth, and muscular, powerful hindquarters.

  • The intervention store is frequently near to the abattoir, and it is too easy to put the forequarters into intervention and mark it as the hindquarters.

  • Its hindquarters just above the hocks were smeared with blood.

  • Obviously, she would prefer hindquarters to forequarters and brisket.

  • Or perhaps sent only the forequarters instead of the hindquarters.

  • If the hindquarters of a carcase are cut off and separately processed, that is a whole ham.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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